22 March, 2021

It's Spring...Finally!

"....large liquid dark eyes of oval shape..." - Carl Raswan
I pulled into the driveway and saw Maria getting out of her golf cart, arms full of hay.  She had just started feeding the horses. It was a good time to visit because I could help her with all of the chores while we talked. A quick "hey, how are you?  as I gave her a big hug and then asked, "where's your new mare? I don't see her." Maria quickly searched the group of horses with her eyes. "Um...oh, there she is, David, right over there, by the water trough. She's the little chestnut mare with the white star," she said and continued, "you know, I don't really know that much about her. Her owner died and the relative that I dealt with, didn't really know much, other than what was on her papers. She's a sweet mare though, sad, but really sweet. She doesn't socialize with the rest of the horses in this pasture. When she first got here, I thought maybe after a few weeks, she would be used to everyone. But that time has come and gone and still, she prefers to stand alone in the far corner of this field, away from all the other horses." Maria said, the concern clearly conveyed in her voice. "What do you think?" she asked me. I shrugged my shoulders because I had nothing to say. Maria looked at me and then continued, "the vet has seen her a couple times and ran a blood series on her but he can't seem to find anything wrong. Nothing. She's healthy. So, I have been wondering over her diet and I might switch her away from grain to a less carb, more forage-based diet. I've already tried a few herbal supplements but I haven't seen any change. She looks so sad, so withdrawn. I know this sounds crazy but I have an animal communicator coming here tomorrow morning."

"I don't think that's crazy Maria," I replied, "I know of a few people, who just like you, turned to a communicator, for answers that they couldn't find anywhere else. You might just find out what's bothering her and then, help her to feel better." We talked a little more about her new mare and a few other things and pretty soon, it was time to go home. "Call me and let me know what the communicator finds out about your mare. She's really cute." I said, as I backed my car out of her driveway and drove away.

Louise Reardon, the animal communicator, arrived early the next morning. Maria explained all of her concerns. After some time, the communicator called Maria over to the paddock, "you know, this was one of the more memorable sessions that I can ever recall. Your mare started to weep great tears of sadness, as if her heart was going to split in two halves, as she remembered her previous owner, her mistress. She had deeply loved her, as the woman was a gentle and kind soul. Marti was her name. She named your mare Desi. She doesn't like the name you gave her. She prefers that you call her Desi. Marti made Desi feel very special and she told her that of all the horses in the world, she was the most beautiful horse she had ever known. Marti always had kind, soothing words for Desi. She made Desi feel better. She spoke directly from her heart, using powerful feelings and images, rather than words, and then, Louise stopped for a minute, to brush a tear out of her own eye. "I'm sorry." she said. Maria looked at her in amazement, hanging onto every word she said. "But the most amazing thing your little mare said, is that she remembers Marti's eyes most of all. They were the most beautiful eyes. Dark, liquid eyes that seemed to be like two pools of melted obsidian. Obsidian. Can you believe Desi said that?" Maria was quiet and Louise, broke through the silence with what sounded like an unrelated question, "do you have a camera?"

Maria looked at her, puzzled and repeated, "a camera? Whatever for?" she asked. "Well," Louise explained, "Desi told me that when Marti looked at her, she could see, in the depths of Marti's eyes, her own reflection. So, I promised her that you would take her picture with your camera and show it to her every time you see her. It's not the same as seeing her reflection in Marti's eyes but I noticed you have light blue eyes and well, it's the best that I could come up with. It made Desi happier to know this." 

So, imagine my surprise, to learn the whole story, when I called Maria later. I cried, to learn that Desi was grieving the loss of her human. I also loved her name...Desi, it really suited her. And then, it hit me and I laughed out loud, "WOW, even horses like selfies, just like people."

1 comment:

  1. I love this story! Completely agree that animals can grieve, and experience deep feelings of loss. How lovely that Maria connected with Desi through a communicator that helped her understand what the little mare was feeling. Love it!
