Suror was beautiful and unique in the Ezzain breeding program, genetically different from the majority of the Ezzain herd, as he had only one line to Hanan (Hanan is his great-great granddam). His pedigree is interesting, as his dam's ancestors are horses that are rapidly disappearing in today's Egyptian Arabian Horse bloodlines: There is Gharib, there is Tuhotmos, there is Hadban Enzahi, there is Galal and there is Ghazal, as well as the complementary influence that his sire offers through Sameh and all the imported Babson horses (except for Bint Bint Durra).
His sire is an interesting line-bred Ansata horse, concentrated in the blood of *Ansata Ibn Halima, Bukra, *Morafic and his full sister: *Ansata Bint Mabrouka.

It is also interesting to see how Zahra's pedigree, continues to complement the influence of Moniet El Nefous in Suror's sire line, as well as the presence of Moniet El Nefous in his dam lines, through *Tuhotmos (the sire of Nana, who produced Nameeza, the dam of KP Nameed), through Shaarawi, the sire of Adeeb and through Ameer, the sire of Ibn Nazeema. It is also through this stallion, Ibn Nazeema, that we have common ground to Alaa El Din in two lines (the sire of Nazeema, the dam of Ibn Nazeema, as well as the sire of Hanan, who produced Ameera).

"Therefore each particular being, in its individuality, in its concrete nature and entity, with all its own characteristics and its private qualities and its own inviolable identity, gives glory to God by being precisely what He wants it to be here and now."- Thomas Merton from his book: New Seeds of Contemplation

When Usamah Alkazemi sent me the DVD with footage of all his horses, I must say that I was not very fair to Suror, as I was more enamored with his sire, Ansata AlMurtajiz. I don't exactly remember when Usamah emailed me the full body picture of Suror but I do remember my reaction! Suror has a "baroque" look to him, that is an old-world look, a timeless quality that harkens back to an another period of time, when romance was very much alive in our cultures and the flamboyant, ornate style of rounded curves was very prevalent in society. Suror is the kind of horse that celebrates life and the beauty that surrounds us, in any given moment and that is present for us to enjoy, whether we wish to accept the gift or not. Suror is the type of horse that comes very close to embodying in a physical form, the model that I carry in my head of an Arabian Horse. He is a horse that I would like to one day breed and the type of horse that I would want to be remembered for breeding. It will be exciting for me, to watch from the sidelines, in order to witness the significant impact this extraordinary stallion will have on Ezzain Arabians.
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