"Perfinka is in my eyes what I think of, when I think of the ideal Arabian." - Lara Ames
*Perfinka carries over 20% Egyptian blood, primarily through the multiple crosses to Palas (Aswan x Panel) and through Anaza El Farid (Ruminaja Ali x Bint Deena), the sire of Gazal Al Shaqab. However, she picks up some older Egyptian blood through Bint Kholameh (Adibiyez x Kholameh), a 1961 mare bred by Philip Wrigley. In this part of the pedigree, you will find the Egypt/Blunt blood of the 1924 W.R. Brown-bred stallion, Gulastra (*Astraled x Gulnare) and the mare, Amida (Ibn Yashmak x Ajramieh).
Her matriline is one of the most revered lines in Polish Arabian breeding. She traces to Piewica, a 1953 mare, bred in Russia at the Tersk Stud, and exported to the Albigowa Stud, where she stayed, until the farm closed and then, was sent to Janow Podlaski, where she became one of the most important mares in the breeding program and foundress of the beloved "P" line of horses, like *Penicylina, Pilarosa and yes, Pianissima, that "P" line.
Her sire, Esparto, is an Ekstern son, out of a *Eukaliptus daughter and is representative of one of my favorite crosses in Polish breeding. This is also where it gets even more interesting, as the matriline of Ekstern shares common ground with the matriline of Ekspozycja, the dam of Esparto. Each matriline traces back to Palas daughters (Erwina & Espaniola), who in turn, trace back to Estebna, a highly revered *Nabor daughter. From Estebna, the matriline goes back to Milordka, bred by the Sanguszko family of Slawuta Stud and foundress of Polish female family number 5!
No wonder they call *Perfinka "Queen" in the email, as through her veins, flows some of the most royal blood in Polish breeding! Congratulations and best wishes to all, who are connected through *Perfinka.
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