21 March, 2025


The famous Gigi Grasso photo- Is it Ekstern or Ansata Sinan?

I was thrilled to find what I believed was a photo of Ekstern (*Monogramm x Ernestyna), that I had never seen before. When I read the caption and learned the identity of the horse pictured in the photo, well, let's just say that I wouldn't win any prizes on the Jeopardy television show with that answer. It remains a mind-numbing moment of realization, as I learned the identity of the horse is really Ansata Sinan (Prince Fa Moniet x Nefara).

Foaled in 1992, most Arab horse people are familiar with the story of Ansata Sinan, bred by Ansata Arabian Stud. He was one of 3 full siblings who brought attention to the cross of Prince Fa Moniet with the Ansata Halim Shah x Ansata Sudarra daughter, Ansata Nefara (a full sister to Ansata Hejazi). I still remember the moment I found the magazine ad, announcing that Sinan had been sold overseas. "She sold the wrong horse!" I remember shouting to no one in particular. Many years later, I was humbled, when I learned that Ansata Iemhotep reminded Judi of her beloved Ansata Ibn Sudan. And then, I understood.  We all know a thing or two about favorite horses and life can be surprising, this time with a hidden lesson about the unique vision that we all possess, concerning an ideal, shaped by our life experiences. Some prefer Ansata Iemhotep, others like myself, prefer Ansata Sinan. That's just the way it is.

I'm not sure that I know when Ansata Sinan died. Popular opinion places that date within the year of 2011. That's 14 years ago and we are still talking about him. If that date is correct, he would have been 19 years old at the time of his passing. When you realize how short of a time period Sinan's life as a breeding stallion really was, his siring record becomes even more stellar, than it already is.  There's not enough space in this blog to do justice to all the horses he sired, however, with that said, many will recognize the superstar get he sired like *Mishaal HP, Sinan Al Rayyan, Nader Al Jamal, Khidar, AS Sinans Pacha, Eternity Ibn Navarrone D, HF Sinanana, Bint Deladiva, TS Vivian Leigh, Ansata Bint Sinan , Ansata Nile Lace, Ansata Nile Diva among others. He was an amazingly consistent sire of both genders, straight Egyptian and non-straight Egyptian, his get were highly sought after horses, not only in Europe but the Middle East as well. Has there been a horse in recent times who can equal the accomplishments of Ansata Sinan, across all bloodlines? 

More than a few years ago, Keri Wright made it possible for me to own Authentic Arabian Bloodstock Volume II, The Story of Ansata and Sharing the Dream. Since then, it has become a favorite and one of my most cherished books.  Thank you Keri and look what I am able to do now, because of your kindness. Within the book, Judith Forbis describes Sinan for us,

"A very classic and well-balanced individual, with extremely beautiful head, good lively dark eyes, good well-set and nicely formed ears, well-shaped long enough neck and good mitbah, good shoulders, short coupled, strong enough loins; good croup, tailset and tail carriage; well let down behind; wide and deep enough; good clean legs, front legs set on at the corners; correct movement."

And Judith Forbis is not alone, as many other people shared in the appreciation  felt for Ansata Sinan, in both European and American venues like the Salon du Cheval in Paris, the All Nations Cup in Aachen and the Egyptian Event in Lexington. 

We talk about global influence and how stallions like Ansata Sinan have helped to make the world a smaller place, traveling farther than anyone originally believed they would. When a horse becomes popular and sought after, so does the breeding program that stands behind them. You can find Ansata blood in even the most unexpected places now. Maybe it's the universal appeal possessed by both Ekstern and Ansata Sinan, their fairy-tale good looks, so obviously Arabian, which melts hearts and wins friends wherever they may go. Maybe it is this powerful essence, all-at-once miraculous, which makes both stallions more similar, than they are different. Maybe it wasn't so bad to not immediately recognize Ansata Sinan in the photo, as we pause a moment to remember him and celebrate his most wonderful life.

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